Infrastructure Development Fund - Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts (2024)

This is a preview of the IDF - Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Infrastructure Development Fund - Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts - Application Form


The Infrastructure Development Fund's Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts has been designed as an infrastructure investment program to address constraints in the water, wastewater and electricity network at a precinct scale to facilitate medium and high density residential infill development within eligible locations. 

This allows for larger, more complex infrastructure bottlenecks to be identified and addressed, to provide the additional service capacity needed to unlock development opportunities. Without Government intervention or assistance, in some cases these development opportunities are unlikely to be realised or feasible for a single developer to coordinate and/or fund. 

Applications for Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts will be based on evaluation of a business case, including consideration of co-contribution opportunities with industry. 

Completing and lodging your application

This application form should be used for applying to the Infrastructure Development Fund's Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts

For an application to be made, it must meet the eligibility criteria identified in the Infrastructure Development Fund - Stream 2: Unlocking Infill Precincts - Guidelines for Applicants

Applicants are required to submit sufficient information to demonstrate suitability and feasibility of a proposal against the objectives and eligibility criteria. 

Applications should be in the form of a business case, which can be attached to this application form. 

If you have any questions regarding the Infrastructure Development Fund, or require assistance with completing this application form, please contact the Department's Infrastructure Development Fund Project Team on 6551 9603, 6551 9703 or

If you have any questions regarding an existing application, please quote the application number below:

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