Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grant Program 2024-25

This is a preview of the Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grants - Application Form 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grants Program 2024-25 - Application Form

The Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grants Program aims to support efficient planning process and encourage the protection of local heritage places under a local planning scheme.

The program achieves this by subsidising the cost of consultant fees associated with the delivery of a heritage framework, consistent with Heritage Council of Western Australia (the Council), Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (the Department) and other relevant guidelines.


Please ensure you have read through the program guidelines and you have checked that you are eligible to apply before completing your application. It is recommended that you contact the Department to discuss your project before you submit an application.


Heritage Grants Team

E: heritagesupport@dplh.wa.gov.au

Ph: 08 6551 7954


Only Western Australian Local Government authorities are eligible to apply to the program.

All projects funded under the program are required to engage an appropriately qualified heritage consultant to undertake the project.

Applicants are required to enter into a formal contract with a heritage consultant to facilitate this. Funds will be released upon evidence of this being provided.

Applicants are required to provide a proportional contribution to the project, either through monetary contributions or in-kind support.

Applicants are required to declare all sources of funding for the project at the time of application.
The program may support heritage framework documents such as the development of a heritage list, local planning policy or local heritage survey.

The program may also assist with the review and/or update of an existing heritage list, local planning policy or heritage survey. Other documentation projects that meet the objectives of the program may be supported.

Projects that are specifically excluded from receiving funding under the program include heritage interpretation, heritage trails, physical conservation works and the funding of on-going staff hours.

Funding assistance for some of these projects may be applied for under the Heritage Grants Program.

Local Government authorities are eligible to apply for the Community Heritage Grants for interpretation and community engagement activities related to places on the State Register.

Closing date and time

Application period closes noon Friday 1 November 2024.