Heritage Sponsorship Program 2024-25

This is a preview of the Heritage Sponsorship Program 2024-25 - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Heritage Sponsorship Program - Application Form 2024-25

This program aims to deliver partnerships that will support heritage in Western Australia. Organisers of events or activities can apply for funding in return for assisting with delivery of key strategic outcomes. Sponsored activities will:

  • Demonstrate sustainability and economic benefits of heritage conservation and adaptation
  • Deliver or contribute to training and education in heritage conservation management
  • Develop understanding of the importance of heritage and its conservation
  • Contribute to brand awareness for a nominated Heritage Council or Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage brands within relevant market sectors.
  • Promote community understanding of, and engagement with, the State’s heritage places
  • Promote and encourage heritage tourism; or
  • Make other demonstrated contribution to Heritage Council and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage strategic objectives.

The Heritage Sponsorship Program is delivered by Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on behalf of the Heritage Council.

For more information please visit the Department's website.


Please ensure you have read through the guidelines and you have checked that you are eligible to apply before completing your application. It is recommended that you contact the Department to discuss your project before you submit an application.


Heritage Grants Team

E: HCWAincentives@dplh.wa.gov.au

Ph: 08 6551 8002

Applications should be submitted a minimum of 2 months prior to the event/activity requesting sponsorship.

This allows adequate time for applications to be assessed and presented to the Heritage Council for approval.