This program aims to deliver partnerships that will support heritage in Western Australia. Organisers of events or activities can apply for funding in return for assisting with delivery of key strategic outcomes. Sponsored activities will:
- Promote understanding and appreciation of Western Australia’s cultural heritage.
- Recognise the importance of places of cultural heritage significance and their stories in understanding the course of WA’s history.
- Provide for the identification and documentation of Western Australia’s places of cultural heritage significance.
- Encourage and facilitate the conservation, continuing use, development and adaptive re-use of places of cultural heritage significance in ways that represent high standards of heritage conservation and are in harmony with cultural heritage values.
- Make other demonstrated contribution to Heritage Council and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage strategic objectives.
The Heritage Sponsorship Program is delivered by Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on behalf of the Heritage Council.
For more information please visit the Department's website.